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Remembering a Genius Energy Inventor, Dr. Paul Brown (1955-2002)

In the midst of the tritium research and Paul’s inability to buy it in the state where he worked, he accidentally stumbled upon a curious phenomenon in a nuclear handbook. As he looked down a long list of radioactive isotopes which are all made in nuclear reactors, Paul noticed that if he could remove one neutron from their nuclei, he would transmute each of them into a very-short-lived isotope. This discovery made him very excited and for the next few years, Paul started testing this theory. Not only was it true but the government apparently knew about it right after WW II. (Many scientific labs around the world subsequently confirmed the viability of the photoremediation--Hypercon process.) Why bury nuclear waste and endanger everyone nearby for thousands of years, Paul asked, when he could apply photoremediation (using low energy X-rays) and generate electricity too? As another company was formed and started to bring this invention to where Nuclear Solutions is today, Paul and his family had to survive a National Security Agency campout at their home for an extended period of time. The NSA kept threatening him and his family with "bringing in the van" if they didn't cooperate. When one young company employee asked an NSA agent what would happen if they just posted the information about nuclear waste treatment on the web in spite of any NSA controls, the agent responded, "We will kill you." (Paul's wife who was there has also confirmed this quote.) In terror, they could only imagine whether they would live through the interrogation experience or not. It was fortunate, as Paul told me later, that he made phone calls to at least one or more high level government friends, including one who had connections with the CIA. The intercession between Paul and the NSA, that was facilitated by the third party, was crucial to allowing Paul and his company to continue with their completely peaceful intention of eliminating nuclear waste.





Japanese Scientists Corroborate Nuclear Waste Remediation Technology Owned by Nuclear Solutions, Inc.
The research, which was presented at the American Nuclear Society 2001 Winter Meeting, "Nuclear Research and Development," conference this week in Reno, Nevada, was conducted jointly by five Japanese organizations:

-- The Institute for Laser Technology(レーザー技術研究所)

-- Institute of Free Electron Laser, Osaka University(大阪大学自由電子レーザー研究所)

-- Himeji Institute of Technology(姫路工大)

-- Mitsubishi Heavy Industry(三菱重工業)

-- Kansai Electric Power Corporation(関西電力)

Nuclear Solutions, Inc. is marketing its patented and patent pending technology to the nuclear industry through licensing and joint ventures.







Paul Brown Resonant Nuclear Battery

  by Kikidoblog | 2011-03-22 23:13 | 放射能防御除去

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